
Embarking from Cairns (we recommend spending a few days in the city first, if you have the time), wind your way north along the coastline towards Palm Cove, stretching your legs at lookouts and local beaches en route. 

Between exquisite beachfront dining and golden sands to soak on, if you’re blown away by the beauty of Palm Cove and wish to stay the night (or two), here’s how you can do it in style.



Back on the road, take the short drive into the rainforest to Mossman Gorge Cultural Centre, an Indigenous ecotourism hub on the edge of the enchanting Daintree Rainforest. Grab a bite to eat at the Mayi Café, take a look at local Indigenous artwork, and join the guided Ngadiku Dreamtime Walk tour – the absolute best way to explore this sacred land.

回程,開車一會兒即可進入雨林,抵達莫斯曼峽谷文化中心 (Mossman Gorge Cultural Centre),這是位於迷人的丹翠雨林 (Daintree Rainforest) 邊緣的原住民生態旅遊中心。在 Mayi 咖啡館吃點東西,看看當地的土著藝術品,然後參加由導遊帶領的 Ngadiku Dreamtime Walk 之旅——這絕對是探索這片神聖土地的最佳方式。

The 2.5 hour walks are led by the Kuku Yalanji People, the Traditional Owners of the land. Wandering through the rainforest, you’ll learn about ancient culture and traditions from bush tucker to medicinal plants and ochre painting, and get insight into the connection the Indigenous People have had with this land for thousands of years.

2.5 小時的徒步旅行由這片土地的傳統所有者 Kuku Yalanji 人帶領。漫步在雨林中,您將了解從叢林美食到藥用植物和赭石繪畫的古老文化和傳統,並深入了解原住民與這片土地數千年來的聯繫。

Save time for a dip in the refreshing cool waters of Mossman Gorge before hopping back into the car. Cooktown is just another three hour drive north along the sealed Great Inland Way, though if you’re prepared for a 4WD route, steer your course through Cape Tribulation along The Bloomfield Track. It’s a wild adventure that’ll deliver some of the most spectacular sights in the Wet Tropics – best tackled over a few days to uncover all its hidden beaches, rainforest hiking trails and secret waterfalls.

Rest easy tonight in your choice of Cooktown accommodation – more adventures await tomorrow. 

在回到車上之前,請留出時間在莫斯曼峽谷 (Mossman Gorge) 清涼的海水中暢遊一番。沿著封閉的大內陸路向北行駛三小時即可抵達庫克敦,但如果您準備好選擇四輪傳動車路線,可以沿著布魯姆菲爾德步道 (Bloomfield Track) 穿過苦難角 (Cape Tribulation)。這是一次狂野的冒險,將帶您領略濕熱帶地區一些最壯觀的景點 – 最好花幾天時間探索所有隱藏的海灘、雨林遠足小徑和秘密瀑布。



Day 2: Cooktown to Laura

Fuel up for another day of sights and adventures, but before you leave town be sure to stop by Cooktown Museum. Not just a place to learn about local history, the building itself is part of it – once a convent school until the 1930s and it was later occupied by the US military during World War II. This landmark has survived over the years and is now a temple for artefacts collected in the region.

為新一天的景點和冒險做好準備,但在離開城鎮之前,請務必前往庫克敦博物館。該建築不僅是了解當地歷史的地方,它本身也是其中的一部分 – 直到 1930 年代曾是一所修道院學校,後來在第二次世界大戰期間被美軍佔領。這個地標建築多年來一直保存下來,現在是一座收藏該地區文物的寺廟。

Next, head  to Grassy Hill Lookout for views of the lighthouse and out to the Coral Sea – your last ocean view before you start the two-hour trek towards Laura. If you’re craving a little more wild beauty along the way, a pit-stop at mighty Trevathan Falls is a must. 

It’s a good idea to stock up on any more groceries you might need before you leave town, too.

接下來,前往草山觀景台(Grassy Hill Lookout),欣賞燈塔的景色,然後前往珊瑚海(Coral Sea),這是您在開始前往勞拉(Laura) 的兩小時徒步旅行之前的最後一處海景。如果您想沿途欣賞更多狂野之美,那麼您必須在雄偉的特雷瓦森瀑布 (Trevathan Falls) 稍作停留。


Arrive in Laura and make your way to the Ang-Gnarra Festival Campground – the festival’s heartland. You’ll feel the cultural energy immediately; while eager crowds set up camp, traditional performers are practising alongside their elders who are passing on their song and dance knowledge. It’s the ultimate behind the scenes preview of what’s to come over the next three days.

So pick your camp spot and unpack in time to relax and enjoy the open night sky. With campfires alight and stretched across the grounds, camping under the stars feels like an act of community.

If you’re not a fan of camping, you can stay in town at the Laura Motel or the Laura Roadhouse.

抵達勞拉 (Laura),前往安格納拉節日營地 (Ang-Gnarra Festival Campground) – 節日的中心地帶。你會立即感受到文化能量;當熱切的人群紮營時,傳統表演者正在與他們的長輩一起練習,他們正在傳授他們的歌舞知識。這是未來三天即將發生的事情的終極幕後預覽。


如果您不喜歡露營,您可以住在鎮上的勞拉汽車旅館 (Laura Motel) 或勞拉路屋 (Laura Roadhouse)。

Days 3-5: Laura Quinkan Indigenous Dance Festival

For centuries, Laura has been the central meeting place for Cape York’s Indigenous population and is home to some of the most well-preserved rock art in the world. Held on the traditional Bora ground, Laura Quinkan Indigenous Dance Festival continues its role of meeting place as around 1,000 performers from over 20 Indigenous communities come together to celebrate with music, dance, singing and cultural performances. This is Australia’s longest running Indigenous festival – and it shares a rich history dating back millennia.

Be prepared for an event that’s sure to move you, and get you moving in celebration too. 

幾個世紀以來,勞拉一直是約克角原住民的聚集地,也是世界上一些保存最完好的岩石藝術的所在地。勞拉·昆坎(Laura Quinkan) 土著舞蹈節在傳統的博拉(Bora) 場地舉行,繼續發揮其聚會場所的作用,來自20 多個土著社區的約1,000 名表演者齊聚一堂,以音樂、舞蹈、歌唱和文化表演來慶祝。這是澳洲歷史最悠久的土著節日,其悠久的歷史可以追溯到幾千年前。


Laura Quinkan Indigenous Dance Festival is a cultural force that draws you in with positive energy, love and openness. By day you’ll hear Dreamtime stories around Yarning circles, watch artists weave and create cultural masterpieces and witness Australia’s most authentic Indigenous dance competition. By night you’ll be entertained with more traditional dancing and live contemporary music by Indigenous artists.

The festival is all about the preservation and celebration of Aboriginal culture, a true experience from the Welcome to Country through to the closing ceremony.



A must-do while you’re in Laura is the Quinkan Ancient Rock Art Trail. The rugged landscapes around Laura are home to incredible Indigenous rock art – so significant it’s listed by UNESCO as among the top 10 rock art sites in the world, estimated to be 15,000 – 40,000 years old.

Rock art tours depart from the festival grounds every day, and online bookings are essential (head to the festival website to book.

來到勞拉 (Laura) 時,昆坎古代岩石藝術步道 (Quinkancient Rock Art Trail) 是您不可錯過的一站。勞拉周圍崎嶇的風景是令人難以置信的土著岩石藝術的發源地,其意義重大,被聯合國教科文組織列為世界十大岩石藝術遺址之一,估計已有 15,000 至 40,000 年的歷史。


Essential things to know about Laura Quinkan Indigenous Dance Festival

  • Pre-purchased tickets are not essential, but preferred.
  • This is an alcohol and drug free event. Please do not bring alcohol into the campgrounds.
  • Accommodation: camping and campervan facilities are available. Book a spot in Tent City for a pre-set up tent complete with awning and stretcher beds, or BYO swag, motorhome, trailer or tent – all campground sites are unpowered.
  • The drive from Cairns to Cooktown is fully sealed, however the road into the festival grounds is graded, unsealed surface.
  • There are multiple roadhouses around Laura that offer fuel facilities, EFTPOS and meals.
  • Drinking water stations will be provided throughout the festival.
  • There are shower and toilet facilities on the campground.
  • Although there are some food stalls at the festival, it’s always best to prepare/bring your own food as well.
  • There is limited mobile phone reception in Laura. Use this as your excuse to get off the grid.
  • 預購門票不是必需的,但優先。
    勞拉 (Laura) 周圍有多家路邊旅館,提供加油設施、電子轉帳 (EFTPOS) 和膳食。

